Welcome to the Forever Forest, home to every animal under the sun.
Meet the wise old owl, the squeaky little mice, the stripy zebra and even the slithering snake. They all live together in perfect harmony, well, almost perfect harmony.
The loudest, brashest and most irritating animal of all lives there too! The Hare!
Can nothing stop the Hare from boasting and showing off? He says he is the most handsome, he thinks he is so clever, he claims he is the fastest of all!
Maybe the arrival of a new animal will wipe the smirk off the Hare’s whisker's. But how can a slow old Tortoise every outsmart a gloating, over confident Hare?
This version of “The Hare and the Tortoise” is a bright, up beat retelling of Aesop’s classic fable. Full of fun, imagination, music and morals, this tale will delight, entertain and enlighten children of all ages.
Join the Team that brought you "The Gingerbread Man” for a stage adventure that will keep toes-tapping and ribs tickled this April.