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Open Circus Arts (Adults 16+)

Taking into account your own physical fitness and abilities, this course will challenge you to master techniques used by circus performers on the ground and in the air.

Open Circus Arts 16+ class TAPAC
  • Wednesdays, to
    07:00 pm - 08:30 pm
TAPAC class

This is an open level class, suitable for both new beginners and advanced students who long to experience the thrill of learning new circus skills!.

Through physical warm-ups, tumbling and acrobatics, you will develop your motor skills, strength, flexibility and endurance. You will learn new skills on a suspended circus rig that includes static trapeze (single and double trapezes that do not swing), lyra (hanging hoop), aerial rope and aerial silks (hanging stretch fabric), as well as floor skills such as partner acrobatics, contortion and handstands. 

Please wear comfortable clothing (leggings and active wear) and tie long hair back. Make sure you bring a water bottle as well!

Free trials are available for this class. To sign up for your free trial, book in via the Enrol Now button or email [email protected]

Teaching artist

Circability logo TAPAC


Circability is a community circus designed for all! Experienced circus professionals encourage participants to reach their full potential and Circability's aim is to build bridges and break down barriers, using circus as a medium to bring people together.